It's time for the yearly MTB-GOA release which adds about a hundred papers from 2010 but also some missing earlier ones. Due to some proteomics papers the number of covered proteins increased to 2,455 which covers 61 per cent of the M.tb. genome and a much higher percentage of the actually expressed proteome. We are now at 7,739 annotations.
MTB-GOA, as part of the MTBBASE effort to make accessible the physiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, will continue to be released at least in a yearly frequency.
MTB-GOA version 18
The first release in the new year brings a few requested corrections and more F->P annotations. As to the latter, it's at the moment a bit fuzzy how I will proceed with them. There seem to be no errors---at least I hope I would hear of them---but still, I will seek some feedback before I continue with F->P. Due to other work, this may well be the last release before the major one in July. Until then!
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